Mystery Gifts for 3 Luck Winners in My 1st Giveaway

utk peserta Giveaway yg bertuah tu,
ni la die mystery gifts yg cute utk anda.. ;)
sumenye ada 7 items..
ske x?

sy akan pos secepat mungkin..
(bg yg belum bagi ur details, jgn lupa bg k..)

tunggu je kedatangan gifts ni ek..
sorila if x seberapa..

tp Pink.Craft provide sumtin yg nice cmni utk peserta bertuah..
hope ske la ek..

Congrats again!


thanks a lot for your comments


  1. wow suka2...banyak hadiah..ade pink kaler..cantik2..cik tom suka...thanks dear..dah dapat kan info cik tom??

  2. He..okla kalo suka.. ;) special 4 my giveaway's winners..tgu yea.kalo sy da pos,sy inform yea..


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